miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012


What is the Bilingualism? That is the question I asked to mysef, so I searched by internet and the elaborated definition I found was: "Is a person's ability to use two languages interchangeably". But How they learn the new language? Some people acquires knowledges about a new tongue because they were insert in the country or maybe because their parents speak differents languages, but most people bilingual "learn their languages either simultaneously, as they grow upor sequentally , learning the second language after the first." For example, my cousin went to United States when he was 18 years old, so he had to learn the tounge for communicate. Now He has a 15 yeaars old daughter with an american woman, and the girl learned from childhood to speak English and Spanish  and for she easily recognized both languages. In my opinion, I think that I have much to learn in order to properly adapt what English is!

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012


One of the oldest forms of communication is writing, in my case is easy, since I love writing about my feeling, my day to day and my friends. But it becomes more difficult when we write in other language than the mother tongue, for me sometimes it becomes frustrating if I can't find the right word in English, but I try to find synonyms to help me express my ideas. In Spanish I can easily write about any topic, even do an essay, because I have an extensive vocabulary, but in English I think that would be a great challenge that I would take to prove my knowledge. However, I need to learn several basic rules and structures of writing; I hope to learn it in this course to write a decent essay in English. :)