viernes, 20 de abril de 2012


The revival of one of the most importants films in the last decades and its 100th anniversary, deserved to be mentioned in my blog, I mean "TITANIC".
The last weekend, I went with my boyfriend to see the movie in 3D and every moment a cry was heard (I cried too many times :P) it is impossible not to be moved by such a wonderful love story, where nothing matters, neither money not luxuries, only to have someone whi truly loves you for who you are, and not for what ypu have. 
Hoe to forget that intense and passionate love between a young Leonardo Dicaprio and a beautiful Kate Winslet. He was a poor boy and she a very wealthy class, but love does not see money, just go to the heart.
The first time I saw this film, I was 10 years old and the truth is that I could not understand it completely, because I did not understand how you could get to love someone in such a short time. But life is wise and with the passing of the years, I found that there ir no need for years to fall in love, only takes the will to love, let go by feelings and enjoy while you can! (L) 

The Culture Clash

To be honest, I had no idea what "clash" meant, but searching by internet, I found the answers that I needed.
The first I did was search the definition of "clash", and the results was: "to fight or argue/ if two opinions, statements or qualities clash, there are very different from each other". Then, in conclusion "culture clash" is the misunderstanding between different cultures.
As I know the meaning of the term, I can realize that in today's world there is much this phenomenon, because I think people are not tolerant with other cultures than their own culture. For example, the Chilean people never had ethnic problems with the Peruvian, however, when they began arriving in bigger numbers to our country, we reacted badly. I know there are many Peruvians who came to Chile looking for a better quality of life and I respect it; and also I undertand that there are too many Peruvians working here and less Chilean people, but when you want something, you can get regardless of price. Admittedly, the Peruvian people are hard workers, however Chileans are lazy and want to make money working shortly.
I think this world needs a dose of empathy, acceptance and tolerance, because to this way we would look upon the world with more positive, which would not have differences in skin color, gender, beliefs, customs, etc. but that we might all equal.

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

The music in my life

I think that everybody needs inspiration and my inspiration is the music. I can't find a better way of forget the problems or run away the world and the noisy city, that take my Tablet, put me the headphones and turn up the volume. i live the music as a normal persona but I do it too as a singer. I'm not a very good singer, but I try to put it all my effort.
When i was 13 years ol, my favourite singer was Avril Lavigne. i really liked her songs, because the rhythm and the letters. I used to listen to her everyday. Then I discovered others bands as Green Day, Simple Plan and Red Hot Chili Peppers and that kind of music. I remember that my best friend use to like her Avril Lavigne too, so that's the reason why I liked too.
Now I enjoy of any kind of music, I don't have a defined style, but I prefer singers as Rihana, Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, Shakira, Adele, David Guetta, Bruno Mars, etc.
Anyway, everybody can change and their likes too, the important thing for me is not lose the passion for the music.